Monday, September 21, 2009

New Neighbors

So, what's the protocol with new neighbors?

We've got two now, and I'm probably more excited than I need to be. A new family moved in right next door to us last week, and this week the other vacant house beside us is getting a new couple as well. And, because I'm socially inept, I don't know what to do.

Do people still give out gifts to their neighbors?

My parents never did, but they weren't social people. Sure, my mom kept up with what was happening... via police scanner... so, yeah.

I don't want to come off as needy. Just because we live next door to them doesn't automatically make them my new BFFs. But, I don't want to be mean. When we moved in people were nice to us, the older lady across the street even baked us a cake.

Should I make a cake?

Oh man, it's like I've been living in a cave.

My husband suggested a nice bottle of wine, and then I immediately freaked out with, "what if they're teetotallers" and my husband came back at me with, "stop reading Little Women," and, yes we fought.

Maybe a plant? A card? A polite hello?


I'm never making friends.


  1. I think you can go and meet them, but you might want to wait until they are "out" in the yard. Of course this means being a hidden voyeur, eye stalking them through your windows and when you catch them in the yard, run out real quick with your arm stretched out like it's unbendable to give them that "neighborly" greet.

    Since you are between jobs, you might want to hand off a copy of your resume to them, you never know where a viable job offer can come through at times.

    If you can tell right away they are neighbors you DON'T want to know, then mention stores that they can fine the best deals on lice medication.

  2. Also neighbors I don't want to befriend: those who know where all the good "dumping spots" are.
